Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Retexture Artists Interviews #3 - NonstopEpic

NonstopEpic was fun to interview, and overall a nice guy. He leaks, he retextures, he builds, and he scripts! A multi-talented individual and has had to retextures published, for valentines day! Both Love Song Headphones and 8-Bit Heart! One a tie, and headphones, DA DA DA DOUBLE KILL! So, time for the interview!

Interview -

[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, hello NonstopEpic!
NonstopEpic: Hello there!!!!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: I have 10 questions about your retexturing carerr.
NonstopEpic: xd
[NG47]ninjaguy47: career*
NonstopEpic: ok sounds cool
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, here it is, question 1!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: 1.What retextures have you gotten published so far, and what was your strategy to get them published?
NonstopEpic: I've had two retextures published so far, 8 Bit Heart, and Love Song Headphones.
NonstopEpic: well as for my strategy
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yeah, I purchased both of em'.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Big fan of em'.
NonstopEpic: I wasn't really expecting both of them to be published
NonstopEpic: I made both just for fun and I didn't have any other retexture ideas at the time.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Cool, thats kinda what I do!
NonstopEpic: When BrightEyes announced she was taking valentines retextures, I sent them to her via the forums and she liked them.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Awesome!
NonstopEpic: then like two days later i found both textures in the backlog
NonstopEpic: and thats about it
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Great, I like to hear that you look forward to your retextures being published, and so forth.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, on to question 2!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: You ready?
[NG47]ninjaguy47: :P
NonstopEpic: yep :)
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Great! Question 2 : Which retexturer that is not well-known do you think has the most potential?
NonstopEpic: hmmm
NonstopEpic: I haven't been up to date lately as for rising retexturers but if I had to choose one
NonstopEpic: well actually two because
NonstopEpic: o wait
NonstopEpic: "not well known"
NonstopEpic: o ok
NonstopEpic: well in all seriousness probably you or bboomba
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Well, thanks!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Bboomba is a great friend of mine, and I talk to him alot!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Alot, trust me!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: LOL XD
NonstopEpic: yeah, honestly if you or bboomba sent theeasterzombie a set of retextures i'm sure he'd let you into RAOC
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Thanks, I need alot of feedback on my retextures.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, if you could like send me a message about it, that would be great!
NonstopEpic: yeah hopefully this halloween many retextures will get published
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yup, so, question 3?...
NonstopEpic: ok!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: :D
[NG47]ninjaguy47: 3. Whats your personal favorite of all the retextures on ROBLOX? (Not including yours.)
NonstopEpic: hmmm tough choice but
NonstopEpic: my favorite retexture last year was the overseer eye but currently i think my favorite unpublished retexture is the crazed druid of the forest by darkgenex
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yeah, that one is pretty epic.
NonstopEpic: it's the best retexture of that hoodthing that came out on 4/1/12 and deserves more recognition compared to his other retextures
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yeah.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Agreed.
NonstopEpic: he should definitely ad bomb it in october, just sayin
[NG47]ninjaguy47: LOL XD Yeah.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, question 4?
NonstopEpic: yes pls
[NG47]ninjaguy47: 4. What inspired you to retexture? And, how did your first one turn out?
NonstopEpic: Well I was inspired to retexture a few months after I joined ROBLOX
NonstopEpic: the idea of changing a mesh's imagery seemed like a cool idea to me and i've been into graphics design for a while now
NonstopEpic: my first retextures were not that good
NonstopEpic: they looked like things from microsoft paint
NonstopEpic: some examples
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yeah.
NonstopEpic: <-- first one
[NG47]ninjaguy47: I started with whole textured.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: textures*
[NG47]ninjaguy47: I basically made an image, than put it in a decal, than slapped it on a hat.
NonstopEpic: you get the idea
NonstopEpic: cool
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, I kind of understand what you did.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Question 5!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: What paint program do you use? And, do you have any tips on that paint program for other users?
NonstopEpic: over time i changed programs and got better tho
NonstopEpic: ok so
NonstopEpic: i originally used a free online service called "sumo paint" but that really isnt meant for high quality graphics and details
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yeah, I did that too.
NonstopEpic: i used for a month or two but then
NonstopEpic: i got a new laptop with photoshop elements 9 installed on it for free (it was part of a deal on the laptop)
NonstopEpic: and since then i've been using that version of photoshop
NonstopEpic: my tips for that program:
[NG47]ninjaguy47: That sound look a good deal.
NonstopEpic: photoshop elements isn't really meant for creating entirely new images
NonstopEpic: (its technically a photo enhancing program)
NonstopEpic: but it has tons of filters including in it that you can manipulate to change images dramatically
NonstopEpic: feel free to use filters for changing details on an item's texture before you get to developing the texture from scratch
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yeah, I use Photoshop too.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Good tip, bro.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Also do you mind if I ask you an additional question at the end?
NonstopEpic: sure
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Question 6!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: :D
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Who was your main inspiration for your retexturing?
NonstopEpic: hmm
NonstopEpic: probably ibarragei
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yeah, I met him.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Also, I interviewed him, if you would like to check that out.
NonstopEpic: ya, he’s nice and is amazing at retextures
NonstopEpic: cool
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yeah, he's overall a nice guy, and he gives me feedback sometimes.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, question 7?
[NG47]ninjaguy47: You ready? :P
NonstopEpic: sure
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Awesome!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: How many takes have you accumulated from your retextures?
NonstopEpic: hmmm
NonstopEpic: tough question
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yeah.
NonstopEpic: i would say around 200 to 500
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Like roughly.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Okay, cool.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Roughly?
NonstopEpic: roughly around 250
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Okay, cool.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, question 8!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: What was it like for you starting out retexturing?
NonstopEpic: When I started out retexturing, there weren't as many groups and retexturers as there are now. It was hard to get feedback on retextures and tips for improvement, so I had to improve by developing my graphics skills on my own.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Now for question 9! What is one of the hardest textures you've retextured?
NonstopEpic : I would probably say the hardest thing I've ever tried to retexture is the Ice Crown. The texture map on that is practically impossible to retexture.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Now for question 10! What is one of the easiest textures you've retextured?
NonstopEpic : Definitely the classic roblox tie. The texture map on that is so smooth and not weird unlike many other texture maps for ROBLOX hats, making it easy to make a smooth and nice texture for it.

Well, thats it for today! More interviews coming soon! Until then... this has been ninjaguy47!

Thanks for Being Epic,

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Retexture Artists Interviews #2 - Phantomazing

Phantomazing is an amazing artist/retexturer and overall a very nice guy! It was nice chatting with him considering that he has really good grammar, good answering ethics, and so forth! I have so much to say to him, and about him but, until further a due...
The Interview!

-This was hosted through a live chat-

[NG47]ninjaguy47: Hello Phantomazing!
Phantomazing: SUp.
Phantomazing: *Sup
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, are you stoked for your interview?
Phantomazing: Sure.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Because I know I am!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: :D
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Okay, so lets get started!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Question 1!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: What retextures have you gotten published so far, and what was your strategy to get them published?
Phantomazing: Here are my 5 published Retextures: Death's Bowler, Holly Jolly Bowtie, The Charles Babbage Faberge Egg, American Woman, and Red, White, and Bowtie.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: I like the Charles Babbage.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Really cool retexture.
Phantomazing: My strategy was following this simple guideline: To make a retexture that is unique, would sell well, and something brighteyes would like.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Man, thats actually one of the best strategies I've heard!
Phantomazing: Indeed.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, on to question 2!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: hich retexturer that is not well-known do you think has the most potential?
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Which*
Phantomazing: Of mine or someone elses?
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Someone elses.
Phantomazing: I'd have to go with
Phantomazing: Spooky and detailed.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Oh, no I meant retexturer.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Not a retexture
[NG47]ninjaguy47: LOL XD
Phantomazing: Derp
Phantomazing: Well, I'd go with Regilord. He was my partner in the 2012 Halloween COntest. We communicated very well, and ended up winning c:
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yup, I remember that!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Question 3!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Whats your personal favorite of all the retextures on ROBLOX? (Not including yours.)
Phantomazing: Retextures or retexturers?
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Retextures.
Phantomazing: I'd say Very clever.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Wow, okay cool!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Really good retexture!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: On to Question 4!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: What inspired you to retexture? And, how did your first one turn out?
Phantomazing: Believe it or not, curiosity lead me to retexturing. I was goofing around in studio, and I insterted a hat through free models, and I noticed the TextureID properties in decals and the hat. And I took the hat's texture and put it on the wall, took a screenshot, and edited it in Paint.NET. This was the result.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Lol, really cool.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Mario-Based?
Phantomazing: Sure, let's go with that,
[NG47]ninjaguy47: LOL XD
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Okay.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: What paint program do you use? And, do you have any tips on that paint program for other users?
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Question 5!
Phantomazing: I use Paint.NET. My tips for that program is to play around with all the filters and tools to see what you can make. Also, I'd suggest downloading plugins. Google plugins and the first result is a forum with plenty of excellent filters.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Like Megalo.
Phantomazing: I like BoltBait and Pyrochild.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Cool.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, Question 6!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Who was your main inspiration for your retexturing?
Phantomazing: Telamon (now known as Shedletsky). So one day, I was derping around on Telamon's profile, and I saw a group he was in called "Retexture Artists Official Channel". I clicked on it, and I found out it was about making hats for the catalog. So I wanted to try to make my own retextures, and see if they could become official hats,
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yeah, I know what you mean.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: I liked him better as Telamon.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, Question 7!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: How many takes have you accumlated from your retextures?
[NG47]ninjaguy47: accumulated*
Phantomazing: I'd say around 2000-2250 takes from all my retextures, over 50% being from my sock.
Phantomazing: SOCKS FTW
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yup, I am supporting the Sock!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: The sock is the boss, man, I hope it gets published!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Question 8!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: What was it like for you starting out retexturing?
Phantomazing: I was chock full of enthusiasm and ideas for retextures. It was something new for me, and I could make whatever I want.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Yeah I understand that.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Usually when your young your a lot more energetic.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, Question 9!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: What is one of the hardest textures you've retextured?
Phantomazing: This: It was inspired by the Team Captain from TF2. I spent 2 whole hours making and perfecting it. Sadly, it's not very well known.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Isn't the team captain liek 2 keys?
[NG47]ninjaguy47: like*
Phantomazing: Clean = 1 key. Dirty = 4 ref or so.
[NG47]ninjaguy47: So, Question 10!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: What is one of the easiest textures you've retextured?
Phantomazing: I'd say I just made the skull green, added a rotten flesh texture, and added some homemade eyes.
Phantomazing: And yellowed the teeth
[NG47]ninjaguy47: That was really good.
Phantomazing: All right, thanks for interviewing me bud!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Your welcome!
[NG47]ninjaguy47: Hey, man, it was good chatting!
Phantomazing: Indeed.

I had a fun time interviewing, if you would for me to review someone else for next time just post a comment, or drop a personal message on my ROBLOX! See ya later guys!
Thanks for Reading,

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Retexture Artists Interviews #1 - Errorless

Errorless has had 4 retextures published, a successful LMAD'er and a nice guy overall, he has accumulated lots of takes on his retextures, has one of the biggest retexturing groups, and got some published! He has a really good retexturing future ahead of him! So, I decided to message him some questions to answer, and he answered! So here it is, bro's and gals!

Questions :

1. What retextures have you gotten published so far, and what was your strategy to get them published?

Green Warrior, Celtic Warrior, American Commando, and Overseer's Minion. My strategy was to use the Holidays to get the retextures published easier while making a cool hat that could also be used a worn any day of the year, or make it cool enough to remove it from the notion that it should be only worn on Holidays. My best example of this is Green Warrior, which was released for Earth Day and is still onsale today. It's the most popular helm on roblox to date.

2. Which retexturer that is not well-known do you think has the most potential?

mickymack and AQUARAIDER1

3. Whats your personal favorite of all the retextures on ROBLOX? (Not including yours.)

PSTF/Frig if it's published and Opal Warrior by IBarrageI if it's not published

4. What inspired you to retexture? And, how did your first one turn out?

The skater hat ): Indy inspired me to published. My first retexture was quite good!

5. What paint program do you use? And, do you have any tips on that paint program for other users?! Use the Megalo Plugin Pack for pdn.

6. Who was your main inspiration for your retexturing?

No one, myself if anyone.

7. How many takes have you accumulated from your retextures?

Thousands, but I don't judge by takes. This is a set of all of my retextures taken by admins.

8. What was it like for you starting out retexturing?

Pretty smooth and easy but I was quite arrogant and did not like others saying my work was bad. In just two months I got accepted into the official retexturing group, but I was kicked the next day for posting rude stuff on a mean rival's retexture.

9. What is one of the hardest textures you've retextured? The actual hat and texture map is not hard, but the entire retexture was hand drawn. Took me a few days. Obsidian Commando was a hard hat to retexture because I had to get the flag just right.

10. What is one of the easiest textures you've retextured?

My first unofficial retexture before the darkslide, which was a gift. I made it in response to one of my friends removing me and not being my friend anymore. Valkyre Helm was also pretty easy.

It was nice interviewing him through messaging, but, we will have a Live Interview (Steam Chat, Skype, and so forth) with plenty more retexturers! I hope you enjoyed that, because I did!

Thanks for Reading,

ninjaguy47's ROBLOX Blog News!

For this posts news we will be discussing the new layout and what we are thinking of doing with it, so lets get started guys! I am thinking of making the layout less complex, simpler to use and to interact with!
So, guys, we are also going to have Retexture Interviews coming up where ninjaguy47's ROBLOX goes behind the scenes with Famous Retexturers! (We already did, IBarrageI, DarkGenex, and GeckoGuy456)
Thanks for Reading,
This has been ninjaguy47,

Thursday, July 25, 2013

ninjaguy47's ROBLOX Place Spotlight's! - Swamp Temple

-ROBLOX Place Spotlight- -Swamp Temple by : Firebrand1-
First Impressions - The details in the c-framing, I realized most was the detail in the pillars. The land was so smooth, the colors, mainly the color palette was impressive.

When I entered the cave, the water was lighting up the whole cave, it was surprisingly glowing, the water actually radiated, the torches did as well, but the c-framing with the water and the walls are impressive, it isn't completely done yet, but I think vaderfreak55 and I will give it a 8.9/10

Thanks for Reading,
& Vaderfreak55


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Season 2!

Hey Guys!
ninjaguy47's ROBLOX Blog will be under maintenance in order for Season 2 - The Return of Ninja (Me continuing to do Blog Posts)
The Team and I have a bunch planned for you guys! So I can't wait to preview some new features for you!
1 ) New Layout
2 ) New Article Sections
3 ) New Blog Writers
4 ) New Viewers Choices (You select what you want us to do next by Twitter or Email or even Comments)
5 ) New Sections - Limited Scoop Ups (Where we give limited item info & where they will get too)

This has been ninjaguy47,