Wednesday, June 5, 2013

An Exclusive Interview with GeckoGuy456!

A Little Info about GeckoGuy456 -
GeckoGuy456 is a retexturer, and mainly retextures gear, he has a Major in Computer Science, and an Announcer for Robotic Tournaments. Some day he wants to become a Artist on the ROBLOX Content team, he has big goals, and through my point of view, he will most likely achieve them. He is also a really nice friend, and is a Journeyman in RA (Retexturing Apprentices, Journeyman is one of the highest ranks) and in RAOC (Retexture Artists Official Channel, an elite group of retexturers, that are chosen.) I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did. Thanks for Reading!

 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Question 1.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: What retexture of yours do you think should get published, and why?
 [RAOC] Gecko: Well, it's hard to say. I differ from most retexture artists, in that I work almost exclusively with Gear. It allows me to practice my scripting skills. As a result, there are several candidates, both in terms of texture quality, and scripting quality.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Well, then, lets say they were publishing gears made by Players.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: What gear would you like published than, and why?
 [RAOC] Gecko: In terms of firepower and ingenuity, definitely my Assault Beamer (, which is inspired by the Prothean Particle Rifle from Mass Effect 3.
 [RAOC] Gecko: In addition to the color scheme reminescent of Tron Legacy, it's capable of dissolving dead bodies in a manner similar to Promethean weapons from Halo 4.
 [RAOC] Gecko: As a result, it doesn't just LOOK cool: It'll make you a one-man death sqad.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Great!
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Question 2, which retexturer do you think has potential?
 [RAOC] Gecko: At the risk of sounting synchophantic: You. In the past year I've known you in RA, you've demonstrated not only a proficiency spanning multiple programs, but a psychological drive dedicated to helping people.
[RAOC] Gecko: You certainly proved yourself when Tara had you host that contest a while back.
AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Thanks, that means alot.
AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Question 3.
AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Which one of your texture-based clothing is your favorite?
[RAOC] Gecko: That's a tough one. Often, when I find a hat I'm really fond of (Like the Blue Alien or Zebalien), I tend to go overboard and make like, 8 versions.
[RAOC] Gecko: I go all OCD and try to get it to look perfect.
[RAOC] Gecko: If I had to decide off the top of my head, the current Zebalien Zealots uniform is my favorite.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Okay, great, I completely understand when you try to make it perfect, I do the same thing as well.
AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Question 4.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: What is it like to juggle RAOC and RA around? (What is it like to be in both RA and RAOC and trying to stay active?)
[RAOC] Gecko: Well, in a sense, RAOC and RA are virtually opposites of each other. In RA, we're focusing on teaching, helping, and giving feedback on our work. And Tara upholds a policy of no links on the wall.
 [RAOC] Gecko: Whereas RAOC is nothing BUT links.
 [RAOC] Gecko: Off topic discussion is EXTREMELY rare. And since we've proven ourselves already, we don't offer help.
 [RAOC] Gecko: So in RA I feel I can be more productive, making an impact on hundreds of people.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Great, I feel the same way.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Last but not least, Question 5...
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: How did you feel about getting trolled by Sorcus?
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: -Inform everyone about what happened, please-
 [RAOC] Gecko: Long story short, I showed Sorcus my Parasitic Egg of Ridley Scott retexture in 2012. He said he'd use it in the next hunt. But in 2013, he edited the mesh and texture a bit. While he used my suggestion of facehuggers, I cannot fully claim it as a published retexture.
 [RAOC] Gecko: He's built his reputation on trolling people. So while I CAN blame him, I harbor no animousity towards him.
 [RAOC] Gecko: He plays a crucial role in the Staff, and if I want to achieve my dream of working for Roblox when I finish college, I need to be on good terms with him.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Okay, great.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Thanks for having an interview check your interview at when it is published!
 [RAOC] Gecko: Thanks. It's been a pleasure.

This has Been ninjaguy47,

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