Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Presenting Ninjaguy47's ROBLOX Blog Newest Partner!

Ninjaguy47's Newest Partner is...
Vaderfreakk55 hosts his own blog, but, I decided to give him a boost, so than he can get all started up again! Vaderfreak55 will be doing reviews and news! So check it out! -We also added a new Partner List so, just click the link there!-

This has Been ninjaguy47,

Monday, June 17, 2013

An Exclusive Interview with IBarrageI!

IBarrageI is a well-known retexturer and overall a very nice person, his retextures are silly, imaginative and creative, he is as well very resourceful with his retextures, some of the meshes he uses, are just fantastic. Barrage is also a very unique individual that has went up against DarkGenex in an Ad-War which landed his retexture Crimsonwrath Lord of the Magma to be published, and as well as DarkGenex's Bluesteel Bathysphere. IBarrageI has a lot of hats, and is active in Trading, he has a Dominus, and other items. He as well has the most retextures published! A stunning total of :   
15! Thanks for Reading, ninjaguy47!

1. What would you categorize your retextures (overall)?

Frankly, I try not to make a category for my retextures, as once you label your work as "Simple" "Detailed" "Imaginative", you then struggle to pass people's expectations. But if there's one category my retextures would be in, is "Different"

2. What is your favorite retexture, out of all of yours?
Ugh. Difficult question. It's got to be between either Crimsonwrath, Lord of the Magma, or Machinatum Exitium. Just because of the effort put into them.

3. Who do you look up too retexture-wise?
Frankly, the one person I look up to now is an upcoming retexturer who goes by the name of Sporeman15, who actually reminds me very much of myself, but he has found his strengths now and is producing quality stuff. But before, I really didn't have many things to look up to, other than the quality of the items in the catalog.

4. What is your favorite hat combo?
Almost anything with Crimsonwrath, Lord of the Magma. Because it's a big hat, many things work well with it.

5. What limited hat are you trying to go for?
At the moment, Sinister Fedora. Because I had to use my only one in a trade for my dream hat "Washington's Hat", but now I'm trying to get it back, as I miss him so much :(

6. Which kind of retextures would you like to see published, and why?
More RPG/Fantasy hats, they are always fun and easy to make beautiful. It's a shame Staff don't see much potential in these types of hats.

7. Which genre of hats would you like to see more of, why do you think they should be on the blog?
Like I said before, RPG/Fantasy hats. Especially ones with artistic horns.

8. What kind of style do you like to retexture the most, and why?
I tend to like making retextures that make people go "wow". So, for the most part, I retexture any hat that I see that has potential to be made better.

9. For all of the retexturers who are reading, do you have any tips or advice?
I have many tips for people.

First of all. Come up with an idea, THEN find a mesh. Thought out ideas tend to be better end products.
Also, Image editing programs. Don't be afraid to get used to the tools and options on them. They could most definitely help you.

10. What kind of hats do you usually retexture, and why?
Basically any that seem to work well with any ideas I've come up with..

I hope you enjoyed the interview guys! It took a lot of effort for me to come up with this, so post a comment below with some feedback and who you would like to see interviewed next!

This has Been ninjaguy47,

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

An Exclusive Interview with GeckoGuy456!

A Little Info about GeckoGuy456 -
GeckoGuy456 is a retexturer, and mainly retextures gear, he has a Major in Computer Science, and an Announcer for Robotic Tournaments. Some day he wants to become a Artist on the ROBLOX Content team, he has big goals, and through my point of view, he will most likely achieve them. He is also a really nice friend, and is a Journeyman in RA (Retexturing Apprentices, Journeyman is one of the highest ranks) and in RAOC (Retexture Artists Official Channel, an elite group of retexturers, that are chosen.) I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did. Thanks for Reading!

 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Question 1.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: What retexture of yours do you think should get published, and why?
 [RAOC] Gecko: Well, it's hard to say. I differ from most retexture artists, in that I work almost exclusively with Gear. It allows me to practice my scripting skills. As a result, there are several candidates, both in terms of texture quality, and scripting quality.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Well, then, lets say they were publishing gears made by Players.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: What gear would you like published than, and why?
 [RAOC] Gecko: In terms of firepower and ingenuity, definitely my Assault Beamer (, which is inspired by the Prothean Particle Rifle from Mass Effect 3.
 [RAOC] Gecko: In addition to the color scheme reminescent of Tron Legacy, it's capable of dissolving dead bodies in a manner similar to Promethean weapons from Halo 4.
 [RAOC] Gecko: As a result, it doesn't just LOOK cool: It'll make you a one-man death sqad.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Great!
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Question 2, which retexturer do you think has potential?
 [RAOC] Gecko: At the risk of sounting synchophantic: You. In the past year I've known you in RA, you've demonstrated not only a proficiency spanning multiple programs, but a psychological drive dedicated to helping people.
[RAOC] Gecko: You certainly proved yourself when Tara had you host that contest a while back.
AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Thanks, that means alot.
AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Question 3.
AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Which one of your texture-based clothing is your favorite?
[RAOC] Gecko: That's a tough one. Often, when I find a hat I'm really fond of (Like the Blue Alien or Zebalien), I tend to go overboard and make like, 8 versions.
[RAOC] Gecko: I go all OCD and try to get it to look perfect.
[RAOC] Gecko: If I had to decide off the top of my head, the current Zebalien Zealots uniform is my favorite.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Okay, great, I completely understand when you try to make it perfect, I do the same thing as well.
AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Question 4.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: What is it like to juggle RAOC and RA around? (What is it like to be in both RA and RAOC and trying to stay active?)
[RAOC] Gecko: Well, in a sense, RAOC and RA are virtually opposites of each other. In RA, we're focusing on teaching, helping, and giving feedback on our work. And Tara upholds a policy of no links on the wall.
 [RAOC] Gecko: Whereas RAOC is nothing BUT links.
 [RAOC] Gecko: Off topic discussion is EXTREMELY rare. And since we've proven ourselves already, we don't offer help.
 [RAOC] Gecko: So in RA I feel I can be more productive, making an impact on hundreds of people.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Great, I feel the same way.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Last but not least, Question 5...
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: How did you feel about getting trolled by Sorcus?
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: -Inform everyone about what happened, please-
 [RAOC] Gecko: Long story short, I showed Sorcus my Parasitic Egg of Ridley Scott retexture in 2012. He said he'd use it in the next hunt. But in 2013, he edited the mesh and texture a bit. While he used my suggestion of facehuggers, I cannot fully claim it as a published retexture.
 [RAOC] Gecko: He's built his reputation on trolling people. So while I CAN blame him, I harbor no animousity towards him.
 [RAOC] Gecko: He plays a crucial role in the Staff, and if I want to achieve my dream of working for Roblox when I finish college, I need to be on good terms with him.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Okay, great.
 AnotherGuy&HisFedora: Thanks for having an interview check your interview at when it is published!
 [RAOC] Gecko: Thanks. It's been a pleasure.

This has Been ninjaguy47,

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

ROBLOXity Game Review by : ninjaguy47,Bboomba,xGohanRulesx & HotCoffeePot

Robloxity Game Review by : ninjaguy47, Bboomba, and HotCoffeePot
-A ninjaguy47’s ROBLOX Blog Article-
Robloxity is an interesting game that is also known as OD’ers Paradise, but is much more complex than that, it also has great detail, and treats ROBLOX like a modern-day community,driving cars, buying homes, etc. The game also incorporates jobs into the game, so than you can earn money so than they can buy these things, like vehicles, such as bikes, motorcycles, cars, white vans (for all your little boy needs), and even helicopters. Other things to buy include houses, apartments, etc. The game is well built and thought out, the design is definitely superior to any other game like it, and the scripting is very realistic, thought out, and awesome. It also sports many features, including things such as a HUD, like in the previous games, but more polished, and a new money system, more jobs, an expansive world, and much better scripting, as stated earlier. Also it has the minor tools for roleplaying like shotguns, pistols, etc, also giving money to people! We rate this 6.9/10.

Side Note: Our people our trying to get an interview with the creator of this game so than we can find out some things to understand the game more.

This has Been Ninjaguy47’s Blog!
And ninjaguy47,

Monday, June 3, 2013

Exclusive Interview with DarkGenex!

A Little Info about DarkGenex -
DarkGenex is a well known retexturer that has had 6 (5 not considering DJ Kryptonic) retextures published.
(He is the creator of Humbug Tie, Smaug, Blizzaria: the Frozen, Kilty Mcjig's 8 Bit Fedora and Bluesteel Bathysphere published) - He is in RAOC and has very good retextures, so I thought, why not give you guys a little interview? DarkGenex is well-known for his limiteds and his Ad War with IBarrageI for the Memorial Day Sale and both of them won by making a new Crimsonwrath hat and Bluesteel Bathysphere!

Here is the interview! Thanks for reading guys and gals!

ninjaguy47RBLX: Hey Dark, could I interview you?
DarkGenex: k
ninjaguy47RBLX: Really? Thanks.
ninjaguy47RBLX: First Question : What would you rate your retexture tooken by BrightEyes? (The Sun After The Storm)
DarkGenex: wait what
DarkGenex: brighteye stook it
ninjaguy47RBLX: Yup.
DarkGenex: when did that happen
ninjaguy47RBLX: A few hours ago.
DarkGenex: wot
DarkGenex: lolwut
DarkGenex: how did i miss that
ninjaguy47RBLX: Yeah, I check her inventory everyday.
ninjaguy47RBLX: So, what would you rate it?
DarkGenex: uh
DarkGenex: 6/10
ninjaguy47RBLX: What is missing from it?
DarkGenex: i think i could have done the handles better
ninjaguy47RBLX: I like it personally.
ninjaguy47RBLX: So, Question 2.
ninjaguy47RBLX: What was it like having an ad war with IBarrageI? (You probrably saw this coming)
DarkGenex: fun
DarkGenex: considering that he got all of his money from donations
DarkGenex: and i used the money i had
DarkGenex: i wasn't worried at all
ninjaguy47RBLX: Great!
ninjaguy47RBLX: I liked Sporeman15's ad's alot better though (no offense)
DarkGenex: i liked his ad
ninjaguy47RBLX: Anyways, Question 3.
DarkGenex: that showed the teakettle lifting the bathysphere
DarkGenex: k
ninjaguy47RBLX: Why do you like the term "Do you even lift?"
DarkGenex: do you even lift
ninjaguy47RBLX: I ocassionaly do lift.
DarkGenex: exactly
ninjaguy47RBLX: Thanks for asking.
ninjaguy47RBLX: :P
ninjaguy47RBLX: So, on to Question 4, I have a total of 5 questions.
DarkGenex: k
ninjaguy47RBLX: Okay, shall we continue with more questions later?
DarkGenex: ya
ninjaguy47RBLX: Than one 1 more Question?
ninjaguy47RBLX: What non-mainstream retexturer do you think has potential?
DarkGenex: iciness
DarkGenex: dude's got potential

And that was the end of the interview DarkGenex is a really nice guy, so check him out! Also don't forget to Follow him on Twitter (@DarkGenex) and me on Twitter (@ninjaguy47RBLX)
Thanks has Been ninjaguy47,