Friday, May 3, 2013

Retexture Review : Halloween Night Mask

Hello Everyone, ninjaguy47 here!
With a Retexture Review!
Today's Retexturer : rebellion666
Retexture : Halloween Night Mask ( Click Here to Take a Look!)

Rebellion666 is well-known in RA (Retexturing Apprentices) due to his rank (Mentor) he helps alot of people out and has spare time to make mesh models, but through all of that he retextures. Halloween Night Mask is a part of his RAOC Entry set (RAOC is an elite group of retexturers that are specially selected.)  The texture is very creepy and solid, which fits its name perfectly. The design of the bats was a clever, but the idea of the texture going along with that mesh is very unique. The color and shading, also the lighting, is very unique, but if you realize the straps for the head are red and black, very unusual. The cracks on the bottom make it very mysterious, and spooky. The purple is my favorite part because he added such and effect of purple that it turns into light lavender in the middle.
Overall Rating : 7.5/10

Be Expecting More ROBLOX Retexture Reviews from ninjaguy47's ROBLOX Blog!
Thanks for Reading,
The ninjaguy47's ROBLOX Blog Team & ninjaguy47

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